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Garbage In Garbage Out


Until you realize the power of knowing what to let in you, you might as well feed yourself with everything that comes your way. 

The principle of GIGO( Garbage In, Garbage Out) applies so much in our lives. 

We think we are the coolest people who cannot be shaken by anything, have it all under control, only to be slapped on our faces with some form of reality that you do not probably have everything under control. 

What are you feeding yourself? Is it healthy? Is it adding nutrients to your life? Is it adding value?

Who are you feeding on? Where are you feeding from? 

Your mind should be guarded at all times because that is the gateway of everything. Right now more than ever, you should be alert in guarding your mind not just for your sanity but peace and clarity. 

In a global village, where we can get everything we want, that is the right time to take a pause and ask ourselves is it worth me opening doors to let something in?

Maybe, we do not realize that some of us are so negative because of what they let in their gateways. 

It is ironic, how a woman spends sleepless nights in prayers and fasting, praying for a husband yet what she spends the most time on, are posts about how men are dogs, liars, heart breakers, idiotic people who cannot see any good in a woman and you wonder. Is your man being created and will fall from heaven or are you praying for a better dog? 

You have fed yourself with garbage from yourself and others of how you cannot make it. You have put limitations and tags on yourself. I have spoken to people who have great potential in them but they already have the tag, 'I am not good enough. Zippy, this I know I cannot do it.' This was my story too. I will speak of it one day. When garbage comes in, that is the only thing that is in you and it will come out because you can only give what you have. 

I have learned over time that I can only control what I think of myself and not what others think of me. With this, I have slowly changed the narrative. It is a journey, seek progress, not perfection. Maybe it is time you reflect and be true to yourself? What am I allowing to get into my system? Do I need to deal with some past so that I can be in control of what I am allowing in my life? Unless you change what you allow in your system, it is going to be the same all old story. Unless you know the power of what to let in, you will feed yourself with everything that will drain you and ultimately finish you and everything that is in you. 

Oh, and maybe it is time you log out of social media. I feel like the old days were better. It was not as toxic as what we have now. But will you die if you leave those WhatsApp groups that are feeding you with negative energy? Could it be you need to deal with your FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)? Imagine, you would not die or even faint if you decided to let go of some things, it would bring you sanity. It would help you guard your heart, mind, and life. People will find it easier to drag you in their negativity than tell you they are toxic and need help. Ultimately, you become who you associate yourself with. 

Right now, it needs us more than ever to be selfish with what we let in our lives. It causes us to be firm with what and who we allow in our space. It needs us to make bold decisions to block some things and people for our sake. It needs me and you to have a reflection. It is time to clean that garbage and change to entry points. It is time. 

Enjoy the month of April. May good tidings come your way. 


  1. So much information corrupting our values. People believing so much in impossibilities, thanks for sharing.
