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Friend or frenemy?

My grandmother used to talk highly of individuals she had been friends with for fifty years. Of course, it wasn't smooth sailing. They had their moments but they stuck together. They were genuine with each other. There for each other through thick and thin. Of course, others were just fake individuals

Not to say, there are no genuine friendships but, a motive has to be tagged in all our friendships. Some have perfected the art of complaining about hat their friends are not doing. Bickering every day of the things the friends did and were not supposed to and vice versa. We have become a generation that points fingers at others for our unrealistic expectations.

But how about me and you have a candid conversation.

Before complaining about your friends not matching up to your expectations, are you a real friend?

Are you secretly rooting for their failure? Oh, thee spirit of Jezebel.

Are you someone that will speak highly of your friends in their absence or will use the opportunity to undress them before the crowd. Talk about their weaknesses with some form of exaggeration.

Are you the individual who speaks as if you are the designated savior of all your friends, 'without me, they wouldn't have gone anywhere. I have helped them. Don't you see they have added weight because of the food I provide for him and the family?'

Are you the one who would hide an opportunity from a friend until the deadline because of envy and feeling she doesn't deserve a breakthrough?

What kind of friend are you, the one who smiles when together but stabs when they look back?

Are you the type of friend who will have an affair with your BFF's husband and justify it. After all, everyone is doing it. 

Are you the type of friend who will go to war for your friends or you are the one who fuels the war and puts them at the frontline to be killed? 

Are you part of the man eat mean society and you are the reason your friends are not progressing? The one who creates pseudos accounts to attack them.

Are you the type that uses your friends to fight your battles, be present at your lowest moments, and once you flourish you distant yourself from them?

I hope you have stopped and reflected because as much as we are social beings if you are not being a real friend then you have got no business being in another's life. Maybe you should just pack and leave. It will save you the bickering.

Friendships are not devoid of challenges but in a world that is so fake, let's have one thing that is real. Friendships. Be a Jonathan to a David. 

One friend can not be everything to you but can you base the friendship on genuineness, honesty, trust, and manage your expectations. Are you among the five friends that can be listed in your circle or you are just a figure to add onto the list?

Be a real friend. Be the support system. Don't be the enemy in a sheep's clothing. Stop being a frenemy.

 Don't stay in a friendship that is dead because of your monitoring spirits, envy, and jealousy.

If you can't be a real friend, Quit.

Choose a struggle, it is either you are in or out.


  1. Well said. If you can't be real friend Quit!

  2. Lovely, let me reflect on the type of friend I am. Thank you Zippy ❤

  3. sure sure i'ts either you in or therebetween!
    thanks for the piece Zippy.

  4. This is so deep! Let me assess the kind of friend I am...I can honestly say that I have not been the best friend 😔

  5. Friendships are overrated
    You might be all these then realize you've been overdoing it all these while coz the other party hana story yako,,,so,if we vibe we vibe,if we don't, let's remain at acquaintances

  6. It's the monitoring spirit for me. Haha
