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It Begins With You


And, after all, is said and done, remember it begins with you.

It begins with you loving yourself just as you are because ideally, you cannot pour from an empty cup.

It begins with you, realizing you are just okay just as you and you do not have to change to attract someone. The right one will come.

Love begins by you loving yourself, your strengths, and your flaws. Love begins by you understanding your purpose and who you need to align yourself with.

Regardless of your awful experiences, it gets to a point where you have to come face to face with it, not to dwell there but conquer it. You cannot keep saying you believe in love when you call all women gold-diggers and men dogs. If you do not change your narrative, All men will be the same and you will never see any efforts made to make the relationship work.

It needs you to stop the wounds from getting deeper, otherwise, you will bleed on others.

It will need you to define what you want, otherwise, you will attract and settle for any Tom, Dick, and Harry that comes your way as long as they can smile. They will drain you.

As you look or wait for love, it will need you to understand you are just complete as you are, the other party will compliment you. This will stop the frustrations of unrealistic expectations.

Waiting for love can be tricky because of life's pressures, but it will need you to understand that you need to be busy doing your things. Do not sit and wait for love for you to live.

Enjoy every day. Do not miss out on living life because you are waiting for love. Enjoy and love will find you along the way and if it doesn't, you are playing just as you are.

See, it will need you to realize you deserve better and you are worth more. 

It all begins with you being intentional in making your relationship work. It will not flow like manna without you putting efforts.

And there are days, you will need to walk away, not because you do not believe in love, but because you deserve better love.

Just because someone says they love, does not mean they truly mean it. Watch out for the actions more than the words because anyone can say they love you but not everyone will act.

It begins with you realizing your time will come, love will find you and the right one will do. When you do figure this out, you will stop resurrecting things that should be dead.

Love is beautiful, love is food to the soul and you deserve it. Live life, do you, fill yourself. The right one will come. Until then, you are okay in your singlehood.

Love can be found anytime, not just in February. Maybe yours will come in July. Whatever time, could you just live. Get out of that pity party and while at it rediscover yourself, love yourself a new, affirm your greatness, you will begin to glow

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