We grew up socialized that the only place for a woman was the kitchen, homemaker, and giving birth.
That was the measure of a successful woman. As time evolved, we realized there is more to a woman other than the above-stated roles.
The other side of socialization is we normalize some vices because we do not know better.
We have told the women that success is measured by the number of children they have or holding on to a marriage that is abusive, after all,mwanamke ni kuvumilia. (A woman is to endure and not enjoy)
We have normalized sexual abuse and coined it as Sexually Transmitted Opportunities (STO) for women to climb the ladder. A desperate woman with five smallmouths is not asked what papers she has, she is asked what is between her legs. And while the moral cops who seem detached from the world will start their preaching, remember a woman will sometimes do anything when pushed to the wall to provide for their children.
We were told that women should not be found seated. They should work themselves out. Some will do general cleaning every day because a woman should not be rested and uf she does, she is lazy. In the evening, we are slapped with the sarcasm, 'What have you been doing the whole day?'
I hope today you will choose to challenge.
Challenge the measure of success set for women. Whether you have fifteen children or not.
Whether you are married or not, let that not make you feel some type of way.
I believe that you will, today, challenge the biases set against women. Woman, you can lead in the market places, you can lead an organization. Believe in yourself. If you believe you can then cast out your net. Do not wait for someone to nominate you to position, go grab them.
I have always told women and everyone in general, the reason why we do not have others leading is that we grew up believing it was selfish and wrong to nominate ourselves. Break those barriers. If you believe you can then go for it.
And woman, please rest. Stop washing walls every day because you were told a woman should be a homemaker. Stop rearranging your living room a million times because you have to be doing something. The municipal council is not doing a door-to-door activity checking the cleanest house. Rest for a woman is not a crime, rest is self-care. Rest from the house chores, rest from social media, we do not need 50 re-shares from you or your comment in every post. Some women without realizing have become slaves of social media, click the logout and rest. Get in touch with yourself
As we celebrate International Women's Day this year, I hope we take time to reflect on some things we need to challenge. Some are internal while others are external. The internal ones, are the real deal, begin by challenging those. Could it be you need to challenge your self imposed stigma and thoughts that we are lesser women, unworthy
You see unless we begin to challenge our internal thoughts first, it will be hard to challenge the external. That is where the battle is at. You cannot challenge gender inequality if you believe a woman has nothing to offer.
I hope this year's theme, 'Choose to Challenge' will speak to you and it will be the beginning of change. Go conquer the world, woman.
Happy international women's Day
I love today's article.