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After the Story

 Our experiences shape who we are, how we act and interact with others.

Every woman has a story. It could be the painful story of losing someone you loved or realizing after three years that you were in a relationship with yourself. Now it sounds funny but there was a time it put you down and made you feel unworthy. 

The husband that cheated on you and after being caught he pretended for a week and went back to his ways. He was just sorry he got caught.

Your work is like a battlefield. You have to go the extra mile to prove that being a woman is not a limitation. 

I mean, we have so many experiences that have put us on the edge.

These and so much have led to you believing that you always have to be on the move proving something. You have to prove that you are beautiful, worthy, intelligent. You do not have time to relax or slow down. Always on the move. 

Because of the pain and hurts you believe that things have to be well defined from the word go. You keep pushing people away because you believe that nothing they say is true. You have been used to being lied to that you would rather believe the lies than the truth.

Sometimes, because fear resides in you, you believe that you have to be the one leading relationship. It is your way or the highway. 

You get startled when someone treats you right and you feel like there is a hidden agenda.

You are used to people not showing up such that when one shows up you are not sure how to react. You think something is off.

But, girl, relax. One, never let a crisis go to waste, learn from it. Discover yourself.

Learn that in this world, we are all running our race, run at your speed and design, you could choose to walk, crawl or run, what matters is you are moving.

Slow down. It is in our silence that we are rejuvenated and the direction gets clearer. Remember, you cannot save the world on your own so do not kill yourself trying. 

When you know your worth, you will realize you do not have to fight with anyone who throws a stone at you.

Believe you deserve better and you will attract better. Do not settle for less. And when you are treated right, do not be afraid because you deserve it, you are worth it. 

Girl, I hope you stop dwelling in the past. Look at it this way, your experiences molded you, pick the lessons, and grow yourself.

After your story, I hope you know that you are stronger than you think, I hope you know you deserve better and made for greatness.