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The North Star


If I lived the life I envisioned in my mother's house when I was young, I would be a neurosurgeon, a journalist, or working with the FBI. I had read Think Big and Gifted Hands by Ben Carson and knew them by heart. I had solved mysteries and crimes in my mind courtesy of the Nancy Drew series. I would take newspapers and imitate the late Catherine Kasavuli. Clearly, even as a young person, I desired so many things. As children, we were allowed to dream. But, life happens when we mature and because of disappointments, and heartbreaks, we become so cautious with our desires, and plans and we are just scared to allow the child in us to dream and live. 

Life is not always in our control. Well, let us just say things would be different if it was. Some individuals would not cross our paths or life would be all bliss. But we are living on this earth. I would like to speak to individuals who feel that their lives stopped because of the choices they made. I am talking to the lady who has to raise her child solo because Father Walker keeps walking and unlike Lot's wife he never turns back to see who he left behind. The guy who was loyal to his workplace for years and felt guilty taking up consultancies but the board woke up one day and decided he was no longer fit. I am talking to the lady who had to bury her husband at a young age and still fight the inlaws to protect her inheritance. I am talking to one who has tarmacked for years looking for a job after studying a marketable course for six years. I am talking to the one who had indicated on her vision board that they would get married at 25 and they are turning 40 this year and they are on the verge of accepting someone, anyone, as long as they are breathing in and out. 

When things do not work as planned, when things do not work as expected there is the feeling of hopelessness and helplessness. The self-esteem is injured, your voice disappears and sometimes you live under the mercies of individuals who are in positions of power and control. It is easy to question who you are, your worth, and its purpose. Just because life has happened does not mean that you cannot become what you have desired. It may tarry but it will come to pass. 

We have heard about the north star, the brightest, and its consistent position in the sky. It was used to give direction. Let us get back to our lives, when the going gets ghetto it becomes ghetto and one feels like life has no direction and we even forget our dreams. Here is the thing, we all have our north star whether it is darkest in life or otherwise. It is still there. Yes, life has happened but you still have dreams and a purpose in life. Find your north star, find your purpose. Some will find it when they receive their divorce papers, others on their partner's deathbed, others when raising their children, and another lot when life is bliss. Do not allow life's circumstances to make you believe you were just created to breathe in and out. Go get that degree at 40. Go for that vacation. Change that career. Get married again after a divorce. Go for therapy. Let go of the things that weigh heavy on you. Things happened, some beyond your control but what is in your control is living life, picking the pieces, and making a new original. Well, it is not a walk in the park but I hope you allow yourself to find your North Star, and allow it to guide you. Get rid of the limiting beliefs because of the hell you have been through. Get rid of what others say you can or cannot do. Go get that passport, dream, it will be stamped. Do you. Live your life. May you find your North Star and I hope you allow it to lead you. I hope your purpose fuels you and I hope you realize it. I hope you are at home with yourself to understand that you can become and what happened to you can help you redirect your life. I dare you to sit down with yourself and discover yourself all over again. I dare you to believe in yourself again. 

Happy Valentine's my loves. Enjoy this day and the days to come.