It will never be cliche nor a broken record to make this statement, 'the best person to take care of you is you.'
We need to do this diligently and as if our lives depend on it because at the end of the day, you have you.
Guard your heart, space, mind, and energies. You think vampires are extinct are non-existent, flash news, they exist in form of humans.
Be careful of energy vampires, people who drain your energy intentionally, unintentionally, jokingly, or not and leave you high and dry.
There are people whose sole purpose is to suck out of you.
Do you have people who feed you with negativity, feed you with doubts? Just when you're about to take a step, they whisper, 'I don't think you can make it. I think this business idea is just folly. Many have tried and failed.' Energy vampires
There is also another breed that will ensure they drink from you and never put effort to fill you and will ride on your success. When things are tough they will disappear. Energy Vampires.
Others will derail you from achieving your set goals and desires because they will never be on the same page with you or support you and yet they stick tighter than glue in your space.
Some vampires will pledge their support and you'll get into a comfortable space until you begin to beg because they feel they hold an upper hand. They will make you feel a lesser human. You will question yourself. You will doubt yourself.
Be careful of those who laugh and drink with you but drain you completely because they pull your leg without your realization, make calls to have your projects frustrated. Funny, you'll cry on their shoulders and they will tell you to hold on. This is a combination of energy vampires and venom.
Lest I forget those who have it their way or their way. Those who you have to call master and empress in every sentence. Those who will undress you in front of the crowd and make you apologize. Those who will be angry that you did not hail at them. They will suck your vigor. They will make you feel inferior, make you suffer imposter syndrome. Some will make sure they step on you and will never rise. They will make you look like fools and will ride on it because they have sucked your energy and you never realize it. They laugh at you and not with you because you don't see it.
The sad reality, we have energy vampires all around us. Maybe, just maybe you're one of them.
But there comes a time where one needs 'to call him/herself for a meeting'.
You need to evaluate everyone who is in your circle.
You need to reflect and make tough decisions.
Sometimes those energy vampires are people close to us, our friends, spouses, families, and workmates. No stranger sucks off your energy. They do not know you.
Life will teach you that not everyone needs to be in your life. Some just need to be there for a chapter. Allow those who are not part of your destiny to fall off.
Guard your space jealously that people will understand their limits. Know your worth that nothing and no one will shake it.
Set your standards high enough that if someone needs you, they would have to rise to them. Speak out. Feed your spirit with positivity and if need be, leave an environment where your energies are sucked.
Take care of your energy. It is your energy that is created or changes form and pushes you towards a certain step but if it is sucked then you can not move or you move slower than what you were purposed to.
Imagine the exploits you can do, the lives you will touch, the strides you will make If you allowed no room for energy vampires to drain you.
Stay woke
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