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Until You Speak

So many times we complain about how people mistreat us, how they never put our feelings into consideration. 

We sometimes complain that people do not understand us. Other times, we complain about people not realizing our potential and never sharing opportunities.

But, do you realize people are not mind readers to know what you want every time? 

Your silence has led you into living in bitterness because you are angry at people and unfulfilled desires. 

Until you speak, people will never know you are going through a rough patch and need someone to walk the journey with.

Until you speak, people will walk on you, because you will never stand for yourself. Some have normalized abuse because of your silence. You have even begun blaming yourself for the abuse, 'it is not them, it is me.'

Opportunities will pass you. Not because you are not good but because you have not spoken of your assets, strengths, and capabilities. Never shy off from sharing your achievements. Speak them out because from there you get more opportunities. Speak for yourself because you are your ambassador.

Until you speak, you will never get that woman you want. Stop assuming that the lunch dates have spoken on your behalf. You will cry foul and say all women are gold diggers when she invites to her wedding. Speak your intentions.

If you never speak, they may never see how much they hurt you. They will think you deserve to be treated that way because they have been treating others in a certain manner. They will pretend they do not understand how you could get hurt. You know what they will do, they will keep on hurting you. With your silence, you showed them how to be treated.

If you never speak, there is a community that will never realize what justice is. The politicians and fake leaders will ride on their silence, perpetrators will be roaming in the community while they need to be locked in for several years, widows will lose their inheritance because they have no one to fight for their rights, girls will grow up hating men because of the rape ordeals. Boys will grow up wounded because they were never treated right.

Sometimes, we speak for our sake because we are tired, other times we speak on behalf of others, the voice of the voiceless. Either way, to bring a difference, to realize a change we have to speak.

Could it be that you have been silent for long? I hope you speak for yourself and on behalf of others today. While you speak, I hope you get someone to not just hear you but listen. While you speak I hope you find someone who believes to walk with you instead of being a running mouth. I hope the situation changes. May your voice make you be treated better, get opportunities, boost your esteem, and bring justice where it is needed.

1 comment:

  1. Insightful and timely.
    Always looking forward to your monday articles.
